20130308: 1. Improved inline documentation! 20121116: 1. jsbeans.Validator.fiscalCode strict mode introduced for check against integrity, not only formally. 2. Introducing jsbeans.i18n.putAll as a convenience method for multiple jsbeans.i18n.put and jsbeans.i18n.has method to check if a message key exists. 3. Changes made to jsbeans.HashMap as a refactoring for proper instance structure. No changes to behaviour has been made. 4.jsbeans.Navbar.render now can accept a function as optional argument as request parameter retriever. 20120607: 1. As java'HashMap has a remove method, even jsbeans.HashMap has to have it! 2. jsbeans.i18n.put introduced to write a message into a DOM Object using its id. 3. Now site has inline snippets of code generated automagically from real, full working demo functions. No more looking into page code, at least not always! 20120418: 1. Introducing jsbeans.Object a javascript bean made to handle native and custom Objects.
This first release comes with before, override, after and afterThrowing methods to add dinamic listeners, override or handle errors for instances's methods. 2. Introducing jsbeans.i18n for internationalization messages or any message in a resource bundle with key/value pairs. 20120401: 1. onBeforeClick, onClick, onMouseOver and onMouseOut events introduced in jsbeans.IntSpinner to let developer take full control over the UI. This new version is still available for download only in the CSV or one by one from official site (the one you're reading now). It will be released in the distribution pack on SourceForge.net as soon as possible. 20120325: 1. Release of jsbeans.string.format to format strings with numbered placeholders. See jsbeans.string for details. As one other update is still in test stage this new version is available for download only in the CSV. It will be released in the distribution pack as soon as possible. 20120312: 1. A jsbeans.Validator's generator is available in the downloadable release in both Java and PHP version. With this generator you can create a skeleton of validation fields matching database columns. The Java version is database indipendent, while the PHP version is written with MySQL in mind. Please note that this is the first release for this kind of feature so it may be uncomplete, even if it is a comfortable starting point. 20120203: 1. New option for jsbeans.EditInLine to turn non-editable elements into textareas too 2. jsbeans.Validator.sameAs introduced to validate two input's values match 3. jsbeans now in on Twitter: check @jsbeans_js for updates and anything interesting about jsbeans and javascript related world! 20111220: 1. With jsbeans.Table.zebra is possible to apply alternate styles to rows, with a mouseover effect 2. A site (Pet Store) is available for demo purpose. Check the link below in the 'Demos' section 3. A new method in core jsbeans: jsbeans.alias let you define a new variable for jsbeans global Object to avoid verbose namespace (see documentation) 20111217: 1. jsbeans.Layout is out. Forget wasting time designing pages with this small web layout framework! 20111122: 1. A new site address, now jsbeans has its own domain 2. A few style modification 3. New documentation APIs (see below) 20110623: 1. Now jsbeans comes with a compressed version to use in production environment. Check "dist" folder. 2. More callbacks for jsbeans.EditInLine: onBeforeEnter, onEnter and onExit 3. jsbeans.Validator now has i18n support. 4. jsbeans.load for dynamic loading of javascript is re-introduced. 20101229: 1. jsbeans.events.getTarget(event) introduced to get a DOM Object by a fired event 2. A minor fix for jsbeans.Validator 3. jsbeans.EditInLine now can be used with a callback function 4. Introducing jsbeans.sizeandposition.setObjectPosition(/*DOM*/obj, /*Integer*/top, /*Integer*/left) 5. As native javascript Array doesn't allow to remove items, jsbeans.Array.remove(/*Array*/arr, /*Obejct*/value) comes in your help. It does NOT change the starting Array, just returning a new one. 6. Now you can use mouse wheel with jsbeans.IntSpinner 20101027: 1. jsbeans.IntSpinner.MAX_VALUE and jsbeans.IntSpinner.MIN_VALUE now are constants. You can change them for your needs. 2. jsbeans.PleaseWait enrichment with optional onStart and onStop function. 20101019: 1. introducing jsbeans.IntSpinner an UI object for inputs with integers only and arrows to increment and decrements values. 20100620: 1. jsbeans.date is out. It provides utilities for rolling dates up and down (adding years, months, .. to a Date), checks if a given year is a leap one and provides an utility to get the number of days in a given month. Version is 0.21. 20100526: 1. new methods: jsbeans.string.remove, jsbeans.string.parseBoolean, jsbeans.Request.getContextPath(), jsbeans.sizeandposition.getDocumentDimension() and jsbeans.sizeandposition.getPageDimension(). Version is now 0.20. 20100520: 1. jsbeans.TagCloud is out. Tag cloud is a visual description of tags where each tag is as big as its importance. 20100516: 1. introducing jsbeans.EditInLine to make uneditable elements (spans, divs, ...) editable just clicking on them. 20100413: 1. jsbeans.Tab and jsbeans.Accordion released. These are the first real UI (User Interface) components. 20090701: 1. now jsbeans.Request can call POSTs and jsbeans.load has been removed (it was just an exercise). As a choice of design now jsbeans.string does not throw any error in case of null strings. Version is now 0.16. 20090626: 1. a new jsbean: jsbeans.Iterator. Version is now 0.15. 20090624: 1. jsbeans.Array introduced and min/max new methods in jsbeans.Select. Version is now 0.14. 20090611: 1. jsbeans.Table introduced! Version is now 0.13. 20090528: 1. A bugfix for jsbeans.Request.GET: without parameters a malformed url was invoked. 20090525: 1. for jsbeans.Select, a bugfix on order method and new methods added (move, moveAll, copy, copyAll, removeSelected) 20090520: 1. a new extension for password strength in jsbeans.Validator and added method jsbeans.Request.getHash(). 20090519: 1. added replace option in jsbeans.Navbar. 20090513: 1. jsbeans.string.elipsis renamed to jsbeans.string.ellipsis (double "l"). Version is still 0.9. 20090506: 1. A bug fix for jsbeans.SmartInsert.currency, with version 0.9.