
jsbeans  1.0.0

jsbeans > jsbeans > jsbeans.dom

static Class jsbeans.dom

A set of utilities to manage DOM Objects



static DOM create ( tagName , [options] )
A shortcut to create DOM Elements.
Note 1: for "class" attribute use className.
Note 2: for "style" use nested rules (e.g. {style: {border: "1px solid red", color: "#de45ff"}})
tagName <String> the name of a DOM Object (e.g 'div')
[options] <JSON> set of attributes
Returns: DOM


static Array<DOM> getElementsByAttribute ( attribute , value )
Returns an Array of DOM objects that match exactly the same value for the given attribute name.
For "class" attribute it chekcs for a class among the defined ones. Example: <input type="text" class="className1 className2" /> is found even using jsbeans.dom.getElementsByAttribute("class", "className1").
Note: this kind of functionality is now widely supported by almost all javascript libraries. It probably won't be deleted, but checking its presence after an update is encouraged.
attribute <String> the attribute name of a DOM Object
value <String> the attribute value to match
Returns: Array<DOM>


static void insertAfter ( base_object , object_to_append )
Appends {@param} object_to_append at the same level of {@param} base_object, just after it.
Note that no check will be performed on given arguments. Passing DOM Object is up to developer.
base_object <DOM> if null or undefined document.firstChild will be used.
object_to_append <DOM>
Returns: void


static void moveDown ( object_to_move )
Switches {@param} object_to_move with next sibling. Effect seems to move down given Object
Note that no check will be performed on given arguments. Passing DOM Object is up to developer.
FIXME: it seems that cloning nodes makes some conflict with event handlers attached via javascript (i.e. jquery.mouseout(...))
object_to_move <DOM> if null or undefined the method will exit silently.
Returns: void


static void moveUp ( object_to_move )
Switches {@param} object_to_move with previous sibling. Effect seems to move up given Object
Note that no check will be performed on given arguments. Passing DOM Object is up to developer.
FIXME: it seems that cloning nodes makes some conflict with event handlers attached via javascript (i.e. jquery.mouseout(...))
object_to_move <DOM> if null or undefined the method will exit silently.
Returns: void


static void removeSelf ( object_to_remove )
Removes {@param} object_to_remove. Useful to direct removing DOM Objects.
Note that no check will be performed on given arguments. Passing DOM Object is up to developer.
object_to_remove <DOM>
Returns: void


static void visit ( node , func )
Starting from {@param} node this method will call {@param} func on every next sibling recursively.
Note that no check will be performed on given arguments. Passing DOM Object is up to developer.
node <DOM>
func <Function>
Returns: void

Copyright © 2016 Francesco Mele. All rights reserved.