
jsbeans  1.0.0

jsbeans > jsbeans > jsbeans.mvc.view.queue

static Class jsbeans.mvc.view.queue

Queue repository and manager for remote templates.
Plaese note: this class is not intended to be used directly.


objects - static Array

JSON objects in the queue waiting to be procedeed or in progress
Default Value: []

processing - static Boolean

Tells if a request is in progress or not
Default Value: false



static void doProcess ( )
Real loader for templates.
It is responsable to make AJAX requests and set jsbeans.mvc.queue.processing accordingly to each call.
Use it if you want to force queue to load next template.
Returns: void


static boolean has ( )
Checks if a template has been pushed in the queue.
By now it simply checks using view name.
Returns: boolean
Returns true if view is already in the list ready to be processed

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